The melting glaciers of Alaska reveal embarrassing secrets for IPCC
The U.S. Department of State hosted a major event in Anchorage, Alaska on August 30-31, 2015 entitled the Conference on Global Leadership in the Arctic: Cooperation, Innovation, Engagement and Resilience (GLACIER). GLACIER focused on the Arctic climate change. No commonly accepted results or decisions were achieved because of the resistance by Canada and by Russia. The mass media showed demonstrations, where people were worried about the living conditions of polar bears and melting glaciers.
The opposite forces of IPCC should have demonstrated what the real glaciers of Alaska are actually doing. Well, they are melting but they have also revealed some secrets lying under the melting ice. The same kinds of findings have been identified around Bearing Glacier (the Alaska’s largest) and the smaller Mendenhall Glacier near the southern city Juneau. In the both places the well preserved remnants of the ancient forests have been exposed to the world. Stumps of trees with a diameter of even 1.6 meters have been found and logs still bearing roots and bits of bark. The radioactive carbon method shows that the trees have been growing during the period from 600 to 1000 years after B.C.
The group of climate change scientist specialized to study the temperature changes of the Earth applying different research methods, are not surprised about these findings and results. Below is a figure composed by the Swedish researcher Ljungvist. In this study he summarized 30 independent temperature studies, in which totally 9 different research methods were applied.
The ancient forests revealed by the melting glaciers settle nicely on the warm period known as the “Middle Age Warm Period” or the “Viking Age Warm Period”. For IPCC this is not good news at all and probably therefore you have not seen any news about this in mass media, because only bad news are good news for mass media. That is why mass media prefers IPCC. These findings show that the present temperatures occur in the periods of about 1000 years. The study of Ljunqvist does not diagnose the reasons for these temperature fluctuations but it is obvious that they cannot be caused by humans. Other studies show that very probably the major culprit is the Sun as demonstrated in figure below. More than 99.9 % of the total energy running this planet originates from the Sun.
The warm periods were known as climate optimum periods before the hoax of IPCC. So we should not be worried about the warm periods, because the nature and the human beings have been doing well during those periods. We should be more worried about the cold periods. The Little Ice Age in 1600 century was devastating time for the Nordic and Baltic countries. In Finland the population was 500 000 and about 140 000 (28 %) starved to death.